Services are $1.25 a Minute with a 20 Minute Minimum
First Come first Served! Sign up that day!
Services Offered:
Chair Massage- Mary Dahl
Medium/Empath/Intuitive Readings- Preston Cook
Light Language/Polarity/ Healing Art- Sara Cerny
Sacred Sound Healing-Water Willow(Felicity Moss)
Numerology- Patricia Warden
Past Life Connections/Energy Healing- Mary Cenci
Alexander Technique- Heather Dennee
Energetic Fusion- Debbie Loshbough
Group ReUnion- Anna Palmer @ 1PM $ 15 (Limited to 8) (1 Hour)
Group Channeling- Mary Cenci @ 11AM & 3PM $15 (Limited to 8) (1 Hour)
Silk Art Expressions- Cynthia Campbell
Design for your Soul Jewelry- Lynne Albritton
Dream Catchers and Orgonite Pendants & Pyramids- Lorena Oliver
NYR Organic Products- Karen Reff
Being Light Photography & Music with Devison Kuhlmann
Windsong Creations- Suncatchers, Painted Spirit Stones & More - Debbie Raduka
Guest Practitioners & Vendors


Debbie Raduka is the creator of Windsong Creations. She is offering handmade Suncatchers, Painted Spirit Stones, Children's Book & More!