Meet Stephanie Winter
I LOVE sharing my passion for Sound Healing, Massage and Yoga.
I naturally gravitated to massage early in life. My siblings liked to see how long I could massage them while they were watching TV!
As an adult, I made it official - becoming a licensed massage therapist with a specialty in Thai massage.
After becoming a certified yoga teacher, I began to further explore sound healing which first got my attention in my native country Germany years ago.
That’s where I first laid down in a “sound tube” - which allows your whole body to BE in an instrument and benefit from the powerful healing frequencies.
After a yearlong study program with the Sound Healing Academy based in England, I now offer sound healing sessions to my clients with my very own body-sized instrument table called the monochord sound table, which was imported from Germany.
The sessions are supplemented by several other instruments, from Crystal bowls, Tuning forks to Tibetan bowls and chimes.
I look forward to sharing this healing journey with you!
Stephanie Winter
Therapeutic Massage
$75 Hour
$110 1 1/2 Hours
Thai Yoga Massage either on the table or Thai Mat
60 minutes - $95.00
90 minutes - $120.00
Thai Foot Reflexology
60 minutes - $90.00
Thai Massage infused with Sound Healing
60 minutes - $105.00
90 minutes - $130.00
Chakra Balancing Massage
Personal touch session with sound healing,
Aromatherapy and crystal balancing
60 minutes - $105.00

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
Stephanie Winter
Singing Waters Nature Retreat
Call 706-374-0528 Inner Awakenings to schedule private sessions and workshops that are facilitated at Inner Awakenings.