It is with great sadness to tell you that we lost Magic on October 29, 2022 to the heavenly realm!
Magic is a Master in his own right and each and every person that met him was never the same. He brought so much joy, love and healing to everyone he encountered.
I am so grateful to have cared for him and blessed by his beautiful spirit and energy.
He touched so many lives!
He now will continue to assist us from the higher realms and is a mighty force over this property.
Thank you to all reached out to our family and to Hope Merrill who graced us with his presence to care for him here in his last days on this earth plane. He lived a life filled with abundant love!
Thank you Magic Man for opening and expanding our hearts!
Love is all there is!
"As we walk, all of our ancestors walk with us. As we dance, all of our ancestors dance the Sacred Dance. Each step that we place is an important one. All of our relatives are walking with us, speaking through us like the many colors of the rainbow.
Listen, and you will hear their steps, their voices, their colors. Listen, and you will hear your spirit calling upon all our relations, and you will feel their energy.
Walking on the Wind, ©1998, by Michael Garrett.
The Story of the MAGIC!
Magic and Molly, Tennessee Walker Horses came to Inner Awakenings on October 15, 2021.
Hope Merrill, owner contacted me and told me that her life was taking her in a new trajectory and was looking for a place to find Magic and Molly a new home.
After coming to our home and realizing it was the perfect place for them to be, the process happened very quickly at a time when it was hard to get on anyone's schedule for work to be done.
But when Spirit is in charge, Anything is Possible! So in 3 weeks time we had a cover built for them, a Greenhouse dismantled, a shed moved up from the Canton area and added additional fencing for them.
Through an Intuitive we were told that Magic had been on this property before and was coming back to heal the land and the people.
He took on and transmuted the traumas that the Native American community had endured.
My husband, Chris and I have been so blessed to care these beautiful horses, who exuded so much love, gentleness and joy.
So even though we had Magic for about one year, everyone's lives were deeply touched by him. Now that Molly is here by herself, she loves to have company and of course Apples and Carrots are never refused!
She has the biggest heart to share with you! You are welcome to visit anytime! Karen

Molly and Magic, Best Friends

Grazing out front in the beauty of the mountains!
Sunrise the next morning over our property after Magic crossed the Rainbow Bridge!
Look at his 'Pegasus Wings!'
Wulfie, our beloved big lovable boy
10/22/2003 - 2/8/2013
Godspeed Rock star, Braveheart, Big Black, Flipflop
Dear Wulfie,
You lived LARGE, were fully engaged in life, and were content and confident in ways that shouted joy, happiness and wisdom. You were always in motion, guided by our mutual love, devotion and gratitude. You were armed with love of life and faith in Your Momma and Daddy.
Your gentle behavior and regal appearance were mere indications of Your vast dignity, and Your courage and attitude in sickness showed Your profound strength of character. Your majestic trot and gait displayed drive, strength, and elegance, as well as loyalty and desire to please.
When You would run from afar, as You began, Your elegant body moved gracefully and silently; then hearing Your breath and paws as You approached, I was awestruck every time.
Your sense of humor was so fun. We loved Your "Butt Spin," “Face Pawing,” “Toy Shaky,” and “Squeaky Playing.” Your special way of playing ball, hiding favorite things, and rearranging our closets showed Your quest for simple enjoyment.
Thanks for contentedly sitting with me for hours....You knew it was good therapy for me. We were and are present to each other. You expressed faith in me in an incredibly riveting way.
The Angel statue on the hill at your favorite place is symbolic of Protective Oversight and Love You gave and give. The Wind chimes with sails in Your Image are small indications of Your enchantment.
Wulfie Earth is a school and You are Our teacher. Our loves were patterns each of us used to learn definitively what LOVE is.
I am so grateful for the assistance you provided to the evolvement of my soul.
Wulfie – Thank you for being my Guardian of Being past, present and future. You are the Best.
I Lover You Berry Mush, Daddy
PS.: As in the Brooks and Dunn song, “Aint nothin’ ‘bout You that don’t do somethin’ for Me.”