November 4th Saturday, 11:30 to 5:00 pm
Messages in dreams have a deeper meaning than just what you glean from remembering them. Actually knowing how to interpret them, any of them, will yield you a message....every time. Do you have the same dream over and over again, there's a message in that too! What about scary dreams....yes especially important to understand and will produce mind blowing information that will empower you to move forward in your life from a place of strength and happiness. Every dream has the possibility of helping to find and keep you on your Life Path. They help figure out your blockages, understand what you feel and why. This is just one of the ways Source brings messages!
Dreaming can include communication from Guides, Loved Ones and even Pets. They can tell you what your blockages are and how to unblock them. Can show you how to proceed on your Life Path bringing direction, focus, clarity. How about finding out you’re exactly where you are supposed to be, that’s possible as well!
Join me November 4th from 11:30 – 5:00 pm COST $49
Reserve your seat: 706-374-0528 @ Inner Awakenings
1650 Tate Road, Blairsville, Ga 30512
For more info about Brenda Staab go to BrendaStaab.com or email Brenda@BrendaStaab.com or call 770-345-5102